
Tues: 18:15 – 19:15
Thurs: 18:15 – 19:15
Sat: 10:15 – 11:15


Tues: 19:30 – 21:00
Thurs: 19:30 – 21:00
Sat: 11:30 – 13:00

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Martial Arts Biddulph Ju-Jitsu

5th Dan (Godan) Sensei

Stuart Gower

Stuart Gower Sensei born in 1967

Started martial arts at the Congleton school of Judo in 1976 under Neil Hulme Sensei graded to 2nd Kyu Blue belt ratified by the Budo of Great Britain

Started Ju-Jitsu in 1986 with Neil Hulme Sensei
1st Dan (Shodan) with Kyoshi Richard Morris 8th Dan, Ken Culshaw and John Rawlinson Sensei`s at the Headquarters of Ju-JItsu International London

2nd Dan (Nidan) in 1994 with the AMA Rolls Royce Ju-Jitsu Club with Professor Albert Steele and Sensei`s Dave Griffiths and Phil Hurst

3rd Dan (Sandan) in 2005 at the Biddulph Dojo with Welham Martial Arts under  Shihan Ken Culshaw 7th Dan, Peter Ruhnau Sensei 6th Dan from Germany ,Mick Green and Billy Frickleton

4th Dan (Yondan) 2009 with Welham Martial Arts at the Biddulph Dojo

5th Dan (Godan) 2013 at the Biddulph Youth Centre witn Shihan Culshaw 8th Dan, Peter Ruhnau 6th Dan and Billy Frickleton Sensei 6th Dan